BrainGroom is a multilingual online learning ecosystem for educational & skill development classes to get students job & life ready. Learn from over 1000+ courses ranging from programming languages like Python, and Java to personal development classes like Spoken English, Corporate Communication etc. With Braingroom you can learn in Hindi, English, and Tamil. Learn from high-quality video courses and free resources to help advance your career. Gain access to over 4000+ question bank, free courses, free mock tests, and certifications.Also get connected with companies for jobs & internships through Braingroom. I
The hands-on learning app has courses on trending topics like Python, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, User Interface, Hadoop etc. Braingroom also conducts online coding camps, Live Projects and hackathons. Personalize your learning experience with a mix of self-paced online content, live webinars and test resources. Braingroom has live code editor for students to practise assignments live as they learn. The Braingroom team is constantly working on making the app more interactive and engaging
LEARN ANYTHING: Welcome to the world of over 1000+ courses from technical courses like Python, MongoDB, AWS, Machine Learning to skill development courses on Personality Development, Communication, MS Office etc. Braingroom has courses for students from different educational backgrounds.
FREE BLOGS AND RESOURCES: Gain access to various free courses, e-books, blogs, mock tests and other resources at Braingroom.
LEARN FROM EXPERTS: Brainroom ensures that its courses are made by the domain experts from across the globe and are of high quality in order to benefit the learner.
LEARN IN YOUR LANGUAGE: Braingroom offers various courses in Hindi, English and Tamil so that language is no longer a barrier in your development.
SEAMLESS SUPPORT: With Braingroom you get 24/7 round the clock support. Our support team is always there to address all your concerns.
GET CERTIFIED: Get digital certificates and download your certificate directly to your device.
Braingroom is creating one of the strongest online learning community and a strong ecosystem for students to learn, share and gain opportunities.
Download the app today to start learning and get ahead in your career.